This has been our first week of Themed Days and I gotta say, I am loving them! I can tell Rylie & Emmaline are enjoying it too which makes it even more fun. I’ve been sharing on social media what we’ve been doing every day, so if you’re not, make sure you’re following me on […]
Author: sarahmshaver
week two of “family month”
Week 2 of “family month” (or quarantine) is checked off. Hows your sanity? The girls struggled a little more this week. Potty training took a negative turn but we knew Emmaline would be the hardest to train. I’m determined though and we’ll get through it. Rylie asked more than often this week if we could […]
a virtual tour of seattle, wa
I’ve heard a lot about the various virtual tours popping up all over the internet. So for fun I thought I’d put together a tour of my home city. Disclaimer: none of these photos are mine. I give all the credit to Pinterest. First, we need to board the airplane. It’s a cross-country trip so […]
paisley – 6 months old
Paisley is 6-months-old!!! Like, how!? Part of me feels like she was just a newborn and the other part of me feels like she’s always been here. Likes: being tickled interacting with Rylie interacting with Emmaline looking at Daddy talking (sooo much talking haha) putting her toys in her mouth moving her arms up and […]
our daily schedule
I’m a loose schedule person. Sometimes I really like having the structure, and other times I love the freedom of having little to no plan haha. Over the past few months I’ve gone back and forth, but we do have a couple solid schedule things in place (like quiet time and food). But after four […]
week one of “family month”
Alright people – week 1 of “family month” (or quarantine) is checked off. How are you feeling? The girls and I have been doing pretty good overall. Of course, we have our moments where we are clearly going stir-crazy and the screens have definitely come out more than usual (thank you YippeeTV!!!), but we’re stocked […]
weather themed – rainbow craft
To continue our family’s monthly themes (Jan – winter | Feb – the human body), March’s theme is the weather! And today, I’m sharing the craft I created to help my 3-year-old and almost-2-year-old learn about rainbows. I grabbed two sheets of blue construction paper to represent the sky and glued two cotton balls (I […]
outdoor scavenger hunt – printable
Recently, our family has been making it a priority to get outside at least once a day and I gotta say, I LOVE IT! It has been so refreshing and I can tell the girls love it as well. To keep it fresh, I created an outdoor scavenger hunt for the girls to do. It […]
family rest
“what could seem like a time to panic might just be a gift from God to help us all get some unexpected time to rest and reconnect with family.” –the naked marriage podcast Don’t forget Parents – you are the gatekeepers of your home which means you get to control what your kids are hearing […]
our favorite things to do when we’re stuck indoors
Alabama has had a surplus of rain lately, not to mention the coronavirus. Both of which has allowed for lots of opportunities to be creative in our daily activities for the kids. To help my fellow mamas out, I made a list of my family’s must haves when you’re stuck indoors. Hopefully you’ll find this […]