bump update :: week 18

Week 18:


Symptoms ::  I had really intense growing pains one day (so bad I thought I was having Braxton Hicks. I threw up and had to go home from work because the doctor said I was too early to be feeling that way so I needed to go home, rest and drink a ton of water). My body also doesn’t seem to like it when I cross my legs – which is hard because it’s a habit and I catch myself doing it often at my desk at work.

Food Aversions :: I’m still trying to avoid sugary treats.

Food Cravings ::  Muffins.

Sleep :: I haven’t been sleeping well… I either can’t get comfortable or my mind is too busy. And I’ve suddenly become a very light sleeper so noises outside or from Rylie’s baby monitor wake me up too. I broke out my body pillow again (which takes up over half the bed, so Aaron has to sleep on the edge) but I tend to go back and forth between using it and sleeping with my normal pillow.

Looking Forward To :: Feeling more baby kicks.

Baby Purchases ::  Nothing.

Fun Stories ::  So after my “episode” (where I had to leave work), I have become very intentional about caring for myself. Aaron and my nurse-friend from our Newnan mission trip text me multiple times a day asking how much water I’ve been drinking. I also am much more intentional about not rushing myself or lifting too much. Oh, and putting on the belly balm to help reduce stretch marks (which are already all over the place… with Rylie I didn’t notice them until AFTER I had her and my belly was shrinking). Most of this you’d think was common sense, but for me it takes a little extra attention.