bump update :: week 34

Week 34:


Symptoms ::  Y’all – my back cannot catch a break 🙁 There have been some mornings I wake up in so much discomfort it takes everything in me to even move. I do see a chiropractor and use a heating-pad, but neither of those have “fixed” the discomfort. I also get really thirsty randomly so I try to always keep a water bottle with me.

Food Aversions ::  Large quantities of anything. I remember around this same time with Rylie reaching a point where I started to graze throughout the day rather than eating a full 3 meals.

Food Cravings ::  Last night (2.27.18) I was in the middle of class and out of nowhere I craved a McDonald’s Ice Cream Cone. On the way home, Aaron surprised me and pulled into a McDonald’s Drive-Thru and got me one. It tasted so good!!! 😝

Sleep :: I don’t remember the last time I slept all night. I get up at least once to go the bathroom (usually twice) and I wake up throughout the night to turn or for no reason at all.

Looking Forward To :: Maternity pictures this weekend.

Baby Purchases :: Nothing.

Fun Stories ::  I had my baby sprinkle over the weekend and it was great. I also have “pack hospital bag” and “purchase diapers” on my list to do this week as well which means we’re getting close!!!