emmaline’s dedication

Not only was this past Sunday Mother’s Day, but it was also the day we dedicated Emmaline at church.


Emmaline already belongs to God, so intentionally dedicating her back to Him was our genuine pleasure.


You may remember that we dedicated Rylie when she was a month old, so we decided we wanted to do the same for Emmaline – and it was so special that it also fell on Mother’s Day!


Unlike Rylie’s dedication, we were not the only ones at the event. There were 4 other families (so 5 of us total) and Emmaline was by far the youngest of the group. Although I had high hopes that Emmaline would be like Rylie and be quiet during the dedication, I was quickly reminded that Emmaline is her own little person because she fussed for most of the time! *face palm* I contribute it towards a stinky diaper and a grumbling tummy. We swiftly resolved both of these troubles after the dedication and Emmaline was in a much better mood once her needs had been taken care of. 😛


After the dedication, we took some photos with the family members that were able to attend.





The life verse we picked for Emmaline is 1 John 5:4 which says, “For everyone born of God overcomes the world. This is the victory that has overcome the world…” Aaron and I are so honored to have been entrusted with God’s beautiful princess Emmaline. We do not take this responsibility lightly and we are so thankful that we get a front row seat to watch all that God does in Emmaline’s life and see how He shines through her.