hey there, basic car diffuser

It all started because I wanted to include a cute car diffuser in the Welcome Boxes that I send those who say “YES” to a holistic lifestyle and purchase a Young Living Starter Kit. But I couldn’t find anything affordable. 😕 Everything I found was $10+ for ONE, not including shipping. Ugh.

After staring at the photo of the specific one I wanted, I suddenly straightened my back as I thought “I bet I could make that. It looks simple enough…” 🤔

So I went to Amazon, found the materials & made one.

I fell in love.

With the look of the diffuser. With tapping into the hands on / crafty side of me. I enjoyed it.

A week or so later I was presented an opportunity to go to an event, but the funds weren’t handy so I had to get creative to make some money (quickly).

Then I had a thought. A random thought. “What if I sold these…?” there was a need – I knew there was because I knew there were people like me. Wanting one but pushed off by the prices.

So I came up with a price sheet that covered the cost of materials + the time it took me to make one. I shared it with some of my Young Living buddies and I got orders. Uh, what!? 😀

Suddenly, a little dream was born. Unexpected. Unintentional. But wonderful.

We’ll see where this part of my business goes. But daydreaming about some next steps got me kinda excited and brought out the dreamer in me.

So all that to say, please welcome the Basic Car Diffuser 👋🏻

If you’re interested in learning about pricing and what it looks like for bulk orders, go to my Shop page.