paisley – 11 months old

Not gonna lie, today snuck up on me. I’m sending out birthday party invites and prepping to have a one year old.


  • practicing standing
  • laughing with Rylie + Emmaline
  • meals
  • giving kisses and being hugged
  • doing new things


  • people not understanding her
  • being left behind (if she’s not playing with something)


Food hasn’t changed much between 10-months and 11-months.

8oz bottles with every meal. Breakfast is typically cereal. Lunch is lunchmeat, cheese & veggie straws and dinner is whatever we’re having. There’s typically a snack between each meal and a bottle right before bed.


The odds of Paisley waking up in the middle of the night is about 50/50. If she wakes up, a quick diaper change and reinserting her Paci usually does the trick.

She goes to bed between 7 & 7:30pm and sleeps until about 7am the next morning.

Naps are still one in the morning around 9:30 am (usually only 20-30minutes long) and another around 12 pm for 2 1/2 – 3 hours.


Paisley has been practicing standing (unsupported) every chance she gets. I’ve even caught her practicing by herself. I’m thinking we may have a walker before her first birthday….

Paisley loves to laugh. She also loves to give and receive kisses and hugs. Her sisters encouragement means a lot to her and she thrives on motivational talks (about her solo-standing 😉 ).

Rylie and Emmaline are regular joy-givers to Paisley. She absolutely loves them and crawls after them constantly. Screams of excitement and laughter fill our house often from these three.

Girlfriend loves to chit-chat. I’ve gotten a good feel for what is what which is helpful. She understands a lot more than she speaks (obviously) but you’ll hear her match the syllables of the words you’re saying with her baby talk. It’s hilarious and adorable.


This little lady is gonna be one next month. What a crazy year it has been with you Sweet Baby Paisley! <3


Rylie at 11-months

Emmaline at 11-months