life lately – june 2022

Man, Summer is in full swing over here. I really didn’t think our summer was going to be very busy but I was wrong haha we are steadily having so much fun in the midst of commitments and it is so filling for our souls. I’ve claimed this summer one to refocus and I can honestly say we’re hitting the mark.

I started my summer of polaroids by documenting the girls’ first experience with Mario Kart on the old GameCube.

We embraced a out-of-nowhere storm by hanging out in the rain for a couple minutes.

We took advantage of a free event and got to ride a real train. Talk about a bomb way to kick off June!!!

Every Saturday this month we’ve been doing the farmers market downtown. I blogged our first day but wow, as God showed off each week.

In addition to a weekly library visit (we don’t always make it on Tuesdays now because of summer activities but we do go at some point in the week), we are participating in our library’s summer reading program. It’s been a lot of fun to keep track of all the books we’ve been devouring lately.

My mom bought a house (that’s a blog post in itself), and since she lives out of state, we’ve been keeping up with it.

The big girls had an exciting first experience date with Daddy – at the movie theater 😀

Meanwhile, Paisley, Spencer & Mama had a Blue’s Clues marathon with all the things.

Rylie also lost her 2nd tooth, which was pretty memorable.

We had an outdoor movie night which is always a big, exciting event.

The big girls are loving their big girl gymnastics class. Emmaline had a hard time transitioning to a substitute teacher one day though but we worked through it and she ended the class semi-participating.

We had our home study for our adoption (where the case worker we’ve been working with comes to our home and makes sure it’s safe and such). Basically causing for a whole house tidy-up.

Rylie found some blackberry bushes and we’re surprised to find we have a ton of them.

Our friend took our adoption profile book photos and I’m still in love with them!

Paisley + Spencer were dedicated at our church.

Aaron & I celebrated 10 years of knowing each other and 8 years of marriage with a beautiful, off the grid bakehouse stay-cation.

Brunch dates with my sister-in-law at new restaurants are always fabulous.

We also got to an impromptu lake day with her hubs and some of her friends.

I was doing some light reflecting on our days this month because I realized I felt different, and it’s honestly because I feel more present. FULLY present. I can peg it to a few things, but the biggest is this is the first summer since we started our crew where I am not postpartum or pregnant and it’s made such a difference.

I’ve said yes to activities and chill days. Late bedtimes and routines. And it’s all led to such beauty – I can honestly see a difference in our family.

We finished off the month with Rylie attending Summer Blast!

She had a phenomenal time and the other three kiddos and I kept busy with consignment store drops / pickups and playdates with friends.

Man, this summer has started strong. Expectant to see what the rest of the summer has in store!

One Reply to “life lately – june 2022”

  1. […] June was interesting because it really wasn’t too busy which was exactly what we needed. It still had some key events though, like we got into a local farmers market with our sourdough and I’ve been there literally every single Saturday since (and we’re still going through August). […]

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