paisley – 3 months old

Paisley turned 3-months-old on Christmas Day, so you better believe her monthly photo is in her First Christmas outfit 😁


  • you getting close to her face
  • holding her tightly
  • facing outward
  • eating
  • being talked to
  • her zip up swaddle at night
  • cooing


  • her tummy being upset
  • getting in her car seat
  • getting dressed


She’s still a great eater! We’re on demand but that’s okay with me. I can typically predict when she’ll want to eat. She eats 4-5oz every couple hours so we’re definitely in a growth spurt.

After enduring a couple weeks of what I call excessive spit up (I’m talking everything she ate came back up ☹️), I have finally figured her little body out.

When she’s nursing, I sit her up between sides and support her back without patting so her burp is natural. This has resulted in less spit up vs when I pat her.

With with a bottle, I stop her every ounce or two. She is typically not a fan of this but it works.

We have a solid routine at night. I’ll pump once or twice a night and she usually takes what I pumped in a bottle between 3-5am.


Paisley is a better sleeper at night than Rylie was (and that’s a big deal!). Her self designated bedtime is around 8pm and she’ll sleep with little disruption until 6am ish. She’ll eat a snack and then fall back asleep until around 9am when she’ll want to eat again.

Naps have become power naps unless she’s in her car seat. She takes one long (few hour) nap in the afternoon usually.


Paisley does a great job going with the flow… kinda has to as the third child I guess. She really is a very chill and relaxed kiddo – sometimes even more so than Rylie was.

I feel like Paisley is enjoying her big sisters more these days. She appreciates their hugs and kisses and doesn’t freak out when they are a little too rough.

Rylie still calls her “Playsley” usually but her new thing is to refer to her little sister as “Miss Playsley!” I’m not sure where the “Miss” came from but it’s adorable!

Emmaline used to only refer to her little sister as “Baby” but occasionally I’ll hear her try to say “Pay-see” and it’s adorable!

Sweet Paisley has been cooing up a storm and loves to smile and coo at anyone who gives her attention.


To be honest, December has been a very task driven month for me (with moving + preparing for Christmas) but Paisley has been so gracious to me. I often go to bed questioning if I’ve held her and loved on her enough – feeling like I nurse her and immediately put her back in her bouncer. But I also know that she’s strong, resilient and it forces me to try and get an intentional moment with her when it’s just us – whether that’s at night before bed or during the big girls quiet time.

Last month I wrote “Paisley is such a joy to me though. She brings simplicity and peace to me, which has been refreshing for my heart.” I posted it and then reflected on why I felt that way and I came to the conclusion that my last baby (Emmaline) has been passionate from the get-go. Emmaline has always been up here (picture my hand shaking above my head with an intense face haha), which would explain why Paisley’s relaxed personality has done my soul well.


Rylie at 3 months old

Emmaline at 3 months old