merry christmas 2019

Christmas snuck up on me this year. I was so ready and excited for it before we moved and then I’m suddenly rushing to get my house ready to host, putting up any decorations I think I’m enjoying AND wrap gifts. Phew.

But it was a lovely 24hours and I’m looking forward to sharing pieces of it on the blog today.

Monday (12.23.19) we were able to get our tree up and decorated. Rylie loved helping me put the ornaments on but she stuck to the same branches and there were a lot on a single twig haha

Emmaline on the other hand had hit her wall for the day and was getting fussy. She did put a couple ornaments on though before we got them ready for bed.

Paisley was transfixed with the lights and I couldn’t help but notice how gorgeous her sparkling eyes were!

Christmas Eve (Tuesday – 12.24.19) my mom and I finished unpacking and cleaning the guest bathroom and the kitchen – the two rooms I deemed the biggest priorities since the living and dining rooms were set. By 2:15pm we were headed out to attend our church’s Christmas Service.

We came home to open PJs and our last couple books from the Book Advent I put together. The girls loved their jammies and we somehow got a family picture before putting the girls down for the night.

By looking at this picture you’d think we had ourselves together. Well, we didn’t. There were tears, discipline moments and unmet expectations. I’m reminded that in these kind of moments it’s not about getting a picture that’s just perfect for Instagram (which wasn’t my heart but I did desire a PJ pic) – but about a precious baby boy who changed everything. He changed MY life at 19. He’s a Wonderful Councilor, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.

Don’t stress my friends!!! Don’t sacrifice peace in your home. Focus on Jesus. Celebrate His birthday! Loving people because He loves people. And experiencing JOY even in the crazy.
Merry Christmas!

Us adults stayed up until about 10-something wrapping last minute gifts before going to bed ourselves

The girls woke up Christmas Day ready to enjoy the day. We had cinnamon rolls and bacon for breakfast while we waited for Mimi & Papa (Aaron’s parents).

I did something different this year and I think it’s going to be a new tradition. The only thing everyone got in their stockings was a new book. I paired the girls’ book with a stuffed animal this year (all of these were packed in storage so they were like new toys when I gave them haha). It was a hit!

We let the girls open gifts throughout the day because they scored more than the rest of us combined lol

The day was slow and uneventful until late afternoon when Aaron’s sister & husband arrived.

Once they came over, we started our second annual Christmas Olympics. We added a couple new games from last year along with our classic favorites. It was a lot of fun and Aaron ended up being the winner 😄

After a delicious steak dinner we opened presents and got some good laughs in.

The night ended late and the girls stayed up 2+ hours past their normal bedtime but the day was so fun. Before we closed their bedroom door, we sang Happy Birthday Jesus.

It was a great Christmas!