paisley – 4 months old

4-months-old. Wow. This girl has done so much growing this month!


  • Talking
  • Snuggling in blankets
  • standing
  • smiling
  • looking at toys


  • Sitting in her potty
  • sitting in the bumbo for too long
  • not being held
  • doing tummy time for too long


Is eating ever an issue for the Shaver girls? 😛 Paisley had a growth spurt this month and ate about 5oz every two-ish hours. This occurred throughout the day and every four-ish hours at night (which meant 2-3 feedings).

We were still able to nurse this month and I’m so thankful! This is the longest I’ve ever made it and it’s so exciting!


We have a pretty good routine with Paisley for bedtime, and she definitely likes to stick to it (meaning if we’re out and it’s bedtime, we know it!).

Paisley starts getting sleepy around 7:30 and likes to be changed, swaddled and in bed by 8pm.

When she sleeps, she sleeps great! Like I said above, her hunger increased and so did her middle of the night wake ups. It went from 0-1 to 2-4. Each one demanding a feeding and potential diaper change too. Phew.

Naps are fairly predictable though. She wakes up in the morning, eats and then will be awake for about an hour or so before falling back asleep. She’ll take a good couple hour nap in the afternoon and another around dinner time before going down for the night.


Life with Paisley has always been sweet, but as she gets older she also has become more alert, responsive and talkative. When she wakes up in the morning (usually between 6:30 and 7 am), she’ll lay there for a solid 20-30minutes nonstop cooing. It’s absolutely precious and has eliminated any consideration that she might be quiet. I highly doubt she’ll let her older sisters talk for her much if ever.

Rylie and Emmaline love including Paisley into some of their routines, including prayers, hugs and kisses and reading books.

Rylie still addresses her baby sister as “Miss Plaisey” and Emmaline says “Pay-see” clearer than ever. We laugh and say Emmaline can say Paisley’s name better than Rylie at times.

As she did with Emmaline, Rylie is quick to make sure everyone who speaks to her also includes Paisley in any kind of greeting or communication.

Paisley mastered tummy time this month which has been exciting! She also likes sitting in the bumbo.


Knowing they grow up all too quickly, I’ve tried my best to get snuggles from this little one and take in all her baby-ness before it’s gone forever.

I’m obsessed with her smile and little laugh when I tickle under her neck. She looks at me like I’m the world, and it humbles me every time.


Rylie at 4-months

Emmaline at 4-months