rylie – 3 years old

Rylie is 3 and I gotta say, I love 3!

I have loved every age so far, but new opportunities are opening up with Rylie being 3 and it’s a lot of fun!


Similar to the monthly updates I post for the kid’s first year and milestone ages, here is a breakdown of some big categories.




Rylie goes back and forth between eating a lot and not eating a ton (which is typical for this age I guess). Her doctor says she’s growing perfectly in every area so yay!

She loves her snacks – especially fruit snack, popcorn and cheese. But the list of things Rylie doesn’t like in the food category is pretty short.

Chick-Fil-A (or Chick-A-Fil-A as she calls it) is her favorite place to eat out but we can’t decide if it’s because of the food or the play area haha.




This picture makes me laugh because she passed out on the floor of our playroom during quiet time even though the couch was 2 feet away from her hahaha.

Rylie typically wakes up between 6:30-8am depending on when she went to bed the night before.

We haven’t done naps in a looonnnggg time, but sometimes you just wake up too early and you pass out (occasionally on the playroom floor hahahaha).

We usually start to get ready for bed at 7pm (some nights a bath, PJs, sometimes a book or two, songs – God, You’re So Good, Build My Life and Open The Eyes Of My Heart – prayers, hugs and kisses) in hopes that the door is closed between 7:30 and 8pm. Sometimes we can hear the girls giggling so she might fall asleep later but that’s okay with me.




Life with Rylie is such a treat! She is so joyful and adventurous. It is so fun to do activities with her because she finds so much happiness in the simplest things.


“I’m your big helper Mama!”

Rylie is without a doubt obsessed with her sisters. She loves to play with Emmaline and I’d say their relationship has bloomed tremendously since Paisley arrived. She is obsessed with Baby Paisley and wants to be involved in everything – from feeding to getting her to sleep and picking her up (which we greatly frowned upon). She quickly rushes to her aid when tears ensue and insists the tears are due to needing milk. It is precious.

When we are out in public and someone talks to her, she is very quick to point to her sisters and introduce them. “This is Emmaline. And my Baby Paisley.” We love how inclusive she is.


Her favorite movie collection has expanded, which has been nice because at least there is some variety for us adults. She loves Spider-Man (hence the birthday party theme), Toy Story, Incredibles 2 and Zootopia. Movie time is considered a treat and is accompanied with popcorn which she loves!


Active, active, active. This girl keeps us busy! She loves playing, running, exploring and jumping.




My biggest shock isn’t that Rylie isn’t a baby anymore, it’s mainly I can’t believe I’ve been a mom for 3 years.

Everybody says she is my twin, and it doesn’t bother me one bit. Although I have a hard time seeing our resemblance in features, I know my toddler pictures look very similar to toddler-Rylie (except I’ve always had dark hair). But her laidback attitude and tomboyish interests are right up my alley.

Rylie is our tomboy.

Emmaline is our girly-girl.

So because we have Emmaline, Rylie and I enjoy embracing the simple girly things together.


Rylie has the gift of joy. Always has. It’s hard to have a bad day around her. “You not sad. You happy!” She likes to say. She also says, “you not tired. You just happy!” Hahaha apparently she thinks being tired is a bad thing lol

She also has a hilarious sense of humor and makes us laugh every day!


We are in such a critical season with our kids. 5 years old & under is a crucial time to instill values, lessons and behavior. I try to not let it stress me out because I know God offers so much grace and He has given me everything I need to raise her.


1 year old Rylie was fun!
2 year old Rylie was fun!
And 3 year old Rylie is going to FUN! 😀