rylie’s first softball season – fall 2022

In August and early September, I could tell Rylie was fizzling out at gymnastics. She wasn’t doing her best & she didn’t seem to be enjoying it anymore. I asked her in the car one day if there was another activity she would rather do and she quickly responded “I want to play baseball!”

It was random, honestly. But she continued to say she wanted to play baseball just like her great-grandfather and we watched one of his senior games one day so the dots in my head connected. I said I’d look into it, and found out a season was starting the following week for Fall ball. There were not enough kids her age to make a team, so they combined her with 8-year olds.

We got the basic gear (some of which we actually already had surprisingly), met her team, and the season started.

It turned into a family thing very quickly. In addition to everyone going to every practice and game, we also played at home. Even Emmaline & Paisley got into it which was fun.

Once games started, we had two games a week and enjoyed cheering on all the girls. We never won a game, but the girls always had fun and Rylie regularly improved which was sweet to witness.

Like I said above, it quickly became something our whole fam became invested in but the sideline crew are the real MVPs.

On October 22nd, Rylie earned the game ball –

We’ve wrapped up the season this past week and Rylie is bummed. We’re excited to continue to play in our backyard and jump into Spring Ball when the weather warms up.