rylie starts gymnastics

Rylie has been asking to do gymnastics pretty much since Emmaline started. She thinks she wants to quit martial arts to focus on gymnastics, but I’m hesitant. Rylie is the kind of kid who wants to do every activity because she gets FOMO (fear of missing out) and just loves people / stuff to do. Aaron and I agreed we’d let her try it out for a time and then revisit the conversation.

My mom had already gifted the us some Christmas themed leotards, which provided the perfect opportunity for me to tell Rylie she was starting this activity.

She was pumped and did a great job in her first class. We’ll see how long she does this activity, but for now, she’s loving it!

Merry Christmas to this one who thinks she wants to ditch martial arts for gymnastics 🥴 I’m not so sure, but I’m thankful she can do both for now ✌🏻

For this week’s episode, here’s Rylie’s first day of gymnastics.

2 Replies to “rylie starts gymnastics”

  1. […] >rylie starts gymnastics […]

  2. […] couple months later, Rylie began and enjoys doing this activity alongside her sister (even though they are in different classes). […]

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