spencer – 6 months old

half a year. wow. time really is going so quickly with him and I’m still such a sucker for this sweet boy.


  • interacting with his sisters
  • eating
  • on time naps
  • chewing his fingers
  • playing
  • reaching for things
  • being outside


  • teething
  • being in the jumper for long periods of time


we are in a transition season when it comes to food. Again, I’ve never nursed this long so I feel like I’m learning so much. We JUST started adding some fruit into his diet and I’m starting a nurse, play, food, play, sleep, repeat style.

He’s still huge and I’m excited for his 6-month check-up at the beginning of December to see how much weight he has gained.


He is so easy to lay in his crib and walk away. He always gets himself to sleep and rarely fusses. If he does fuss, something is up.

He starts getting ready for bed (rubbing eyes, yawning, etc.) around 6:40pm and he’s usually in bed between 7 and 7:30pm.

We were waking up between 12-2 and again around 4 for a while but just this last week he’s only been waking up around midnight. A quick 15 minute feeding and he’s back in his crib. I hear him talking to himself most nights before dosing back off.

He’s ready for the day around 8am and takes his first nap around 9/9:30. Afternoon nap is usually around 12pm and sometimes he wants an evening nap (which is around 5) and other times he pushes through until bedtime… it really depends.


Sweet boy started teething and it was very unpleasant. He was so miserable. He was congested, sleepy, clingy and in pain. But with lots of snuggles, essential oils and waiting it out, it passed.

The man has started moving. He rolls all. the. time. and scoots himself in circles. He’s never where I left him…

He absolutely loves being outside – doesn’t matter the weather!

Spencer has friends!!! I am so excited by this, it’s kinda embarrassing hahaha

these are the friends we see pretty regularly but he also has a couple lady-friends too. I’m not gonna lie, I’m looking forward to his birthday party where there’s just a bunch of one year old babies 😛 haha

Speaking of relationships, Spencer has really been enjoying his sisters lately. Paisley (who calls him “Ler-Ler!”) is very protective over him and loves being all up in his business. Rylie loves being “big sis” and helping out with all the things and Emmaline is here for the snuggles.


My boy is 6-months old and I can’t believe how fast time went. He is so fun and I truly enjoy watching him grow and discover new things he can do.

Hormone balance is an off and on struggle for me but we’ve had a lot of good days lately and I continue to bring it to the Lord.


Rylie at 6 months old

Emmaline at 6 months old 

Paisley at 6 months old