spencer – 8 months old

it’s cool, just carrying around a toddler (who is actually only 8months) 😳😅


  • saying “ba-ba-ba” and “ma-ma-ma”
  • Rylie carrying him around
  • eating all the things (he’s big on table food!)
  • his sleep schedule being kept haha
  • playing


  • being hungry
  • being stinky
  • being overly tired


I cannot believe I was just introducing baby food to Spencer a month ago, and now we are on two pouches + table food every feeding!

His schedule is the same – he wakes up, nurses, plays for a little, eats, plays a little more and then takes a nap.

In addition to his fruit pouches, he really loves to eat Cheerios, bananas, veggie straws, dinner scraps, eggs, Annie’s Cheddar Bunnies and baby snacks from Aldi.


His bedtime is still around 7pm but for the majority of this last month he was waking up between 1-3am and I was feeding him, changing his diaper and putting him back to bed. BUT the last couple weeks we’ve been switching it up. I started slow with offering him a bottle of water when he woke up (which he was frustrated with because that was not what he had ordered haha) and changing his diaper. It took a while, but he fell asleep. This happened for a few nights but as of this blog post, he doesn’t wake up or, if he does, it’s around 4:30/5am.

He naps once in the morning around 9am, at 12pm and a short 20minute nap around 4pm.


This kid man, he’s got some personality coming out and it’s hilarious. He likes to rock his upper body and bang his head into the air which is so funny! He also loves to talk and it’s precious.

Life with Spencer is becoming different but so fun! He is so interactive and talkative. He is working on moving by himself but he really prefers to pull up on me so he can stand. Or be carried around.

Rylie loves carrying him around!!! And he loves it.

Paisley and his relationship is slowly developing and I love it!


I love this stage of the baby days. I love all the stages for different reason, but he’s been extra fun and funny this month.

I got a new carrier and it has been a game changer! He is so big and heavy but still is at the age where carrying him is comforting to him. I can comfortably carry him around and he absolutely loves it.

I also broke out the 12 month old clothes (because the 9 month clothes are getting snug) and now he looks like a toddler… he weighs like one anyway hahahaha


Rylie at 8 months old

Emmaline at 8 months old 

Paisley at 8 months old