paisley – 8 months old

I am so surprised that Paisley is already turning 8-months. 6 & 7-months seemed to fly by (thanks Covid-19 quarantine) and I’m shocked at her growth this past month.


  • eating (her bottle or Cheerios mainly)
  • playing with toys
  • cuddling
  • talking (cooing, screaming, blah-blah, mama, dada)
  • being with Mommy
  • playing with her sisters


  • being set down by Mommy
  • being pushed by her big sisters
  • being given Cheerios or baby food when she wants her bottle


Paisley quickly caught on to baby food and really enjoyed a handful of flavors. Then we introduced Cheerios and her world has never been the same. She’s never gagged, choked or struggled to swallow, so she’s already acting like a pro. We find ourselves giving her Cheerios or bits of what we’re eating (mainly rice or slivers of bread) instead of baby food.

We’re very go-with-the-flow when it comes to Paisley’s food schedule, mainly because no one likes to be hungry 😛 But we can usually count on her first bottle (8oz) being between 5 & 6:30 am, another around 11:30 am, 5:30 pm and 7 pm with Cheerios or another bottle in-between.


Paisley is my best baby when it comes to sleep. She loves it and rarely cries when being laid down. At bedtime, her routine is a full 8oz bottle, then jammies, oils, clean diaper and then laid in her crib. Her favorite stuffed animal friends are with her (on the other end of the crib) and we put her binky in her mouth. She smiles big while we pull up the blanket near the side of her face while we pray for her. As we walk away, she usually rolls over and we don’t hear another sound out of her for hours. It’s common for her to wake up once in the middle of the night due to a full diaper, but once that’s changed, she falls right back asleep. She regularly wakes up between 6:20 – 7 am and is ready immediately for her bottle.

Naps are one in the morning around 9/9:30 am, another around 1 pm and if a third is going to happen, it’s around dinner time.


Paisley has a new party trick and it is her greatest super power. She screams at a pitch I’m shocked doesn’t break glass. It used to be her way of getting our attention, because after she would scream and we’d look at her, the biggest smile would appear on her face. But lately, it’s become a “I want something and you’re not giving it to me” which has resulted in lots of “OH MY GOSH PAISLEY!!!”

Now that Paisley can sit up confidently and enjoys playing with her big sisters, the new challenge has been sharing. Paisley is easy to take from (except for the scream that follows), so we often have to correct the big girls that Paisley wanted to play with that item. She loves books and gets a kick out of her sisters reading to her.

Rylie can finally say Paisley’s name correctly (it was PLAY-SLEE for a long time) but Emmaline is still holding true to PAY-ZEE!

She has grown out of her 6month clothes and is in 9-month and some 12-month clothes. She prefers roomy-fits and her cloth diaper helps take up space.


Paisley is still a mamas-girl, but she does enjoy being held by a handful of people. Aaron is one of them but she still has a limit, which we laugh about.

Her sweet disposition is still her biggest trait, so it’s easy to call her “Sweet Baby Paisley.”


Rylie at 8-months

Emmaline at 8-months