spencer – 9 months old

9 months in – 9 months out


  • babbling (“ya ya ya” “ba ba ba” “ma ma ma” and “da da da” are his current hits)
  • being carried around
  • eating
  • crawling
  • playing


  • being hungry
  • being stinky
  • being overly tired
  • sitting when he wants you to stand


Spencer is a food machine. He nurses and eats meals at the table when we do. I have yet to find something he doesn’t like and his food palate continues to grow.


7pm is still bedtime around here and he goes back and forth between sleeping all night and waking up. If he does wake up, it’s usually around midnight or 3am. I nurse him, change him and he immediately falls back asleep.

He naps once in the morning around 9am, at 12pm and sometimes a short 20minute nap around 4/4:30pm.


Spencer’s biggest accomplishment this month is crawling. He scoots, pulls/drags himself and is getting more confident on his knees. He can also go from his tummy to sitting up (something he just did one day. I turned around, leaving him on his belly, and when I turned back around he was sitting… I was like, “did… wait… what?” hahaha)

Spencer is well loved by his big sisters. I almost always see him with at least one if not all of them.

He loves to play – which has been fun! He’s awesome playing independently which surprises me.


I slacked on photos of us together this month ๐Ÿ™ definitely snagging more next month.

But this kid is really coming into himself and I love it. He is such a sweetheart!

I’ve gotten into a good rhythm with him (& the girls) which honestly makes our days so much richer. We all thrive in routine and when I look back on the newborn days, it was beautiful in it’s own but I’m also thankful for these older days.


Rylie at 9 months old

Emmaline at 9 months old 

Paisley at 9 months old

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