thankful thursday #18 and #19

Last Thursday was Emmaline’s 1 month birthday, so I decided to combine the Thankful Thursday posts again.


Thankful Thursday #18


  • Skinned Knees


This may seem like an odd thing to be thankful for, but I see skinned knees as evidence that Rylie is adventurous, which I love!


  • Morning Sunlight


Newborns are exhausting and their sleep schedules are random, but I’ve learned to embrace this short season and find the little joys – like watching the sunlight stream through the window at 6am. <3


Thankful Thursday #19


  • Emmaline Turned 1 Month


I cannot believe our little girl is one month! You can read all about what she’s been up to by reading this blog post.


  • Our Highlands College Journey


This was our last week of class and Aaron and I will be graduating this weekend. I’ll be sharing a post recapping the last 2 years next week, but for now, I’ll just say I am so thankful for this experience and for each person in this picture (and those not pictured) who we got to serve alongside with at our campus.




What are you thankful for this week?