thankful thursday #28

This week has been full of good, fun, relaxing things so even though I’m feeling like the week is flying by, it’s been full of good things. There are lots of things I’m thankful for this week, but for this “Thankful Thursday,” I’ll just give a summary.


Thankful Thursday #28


  • Meeting the Neighbors… FINALLY! 😛

When we moved into our house back at Christmas time, I had every intention of introducing our family to our neighbors. But with the holidays then immediately preparing for baby #2, we never seemed to go over. We gathered from the swing in the front yard that the family across our street had a son around Rylie’s age, so when we launched our Game Night small group for the summer semester, I decided it was a great opportunity to meet them. So I wrote a letter that included our cell phone numbers and stuck it in their mailbox. Although a Friday night never became free for them, they kindly invited us to their son’s 1st birthday party which was on Saturday (7.7.18). We walked in the door and were welcomed with hugs and laughter as they thanked us for being the brave ones and sticking the note in their mailbox. During the party, family of the birthday boy asked us how we knew them and we said, “we just live across the street.” “YOU’RE THE NEIGHBORS?!?! That’s so awesome!” hahaha I guess it’s unusual to be friends with your neighbors anymore 😝

We were able to snag a good conversation with our hosts and we are so looking forward to getting to know our new friends more!


  • Celebrating the 4th


Like I shared in my post “lake day + sparklers,” since our 4th of July celebration was cut short due to a nasty stomach bug circling the tribe, we celebrated on Saturday (7.7.18) with discounted fireworks 😃 It was a really fun evening eating and watching the firework show presented by Rick & Aaron. And I love the pictures that were captured!


  • Selling Stuff / Bringing Shaver Closet Back


I don’t think I’m turning into a minimalist, but I am motivated to get rid of what we don’t use and make the extra money to spend on things that invest in our family. Bringing Shaver Closet back is an excellent way for me to make some side money while feeding my hobby of thrifting.


  • Manly Wedding Showers at Work




One of my co-workers is getting married this weekend, and to honor him and his new bride, I coordinated a “manly wedding shower” to celebrate. We had a BBQ on our balcony and enjoyed good food and interacting with our team. It was a great time and Jacob was very thankful! 🙂




What are you thankful for this week?