thankful thursday #9

Baby Sprinkle (shower), an engagement in the family, ice cream craving fulfilled!? Talk about a week 😉


Don’t let the list fool you though, I had a couple rough days this week too where I wasn’t focusing on my blessings, but on my struggles. But after a good talk with my best friend and finding a Bible verse to speak over my situation, my focus shifted and I found myself back to counting my blessings. I think it’s so easy to get caught up in the lies / distractions of the enemy, and we have to be careful to not let that become our focus.


If you’re having a rough day, week, month or even year, I encourage you to dig into God’s word and find a verse that you can speak over your situation. God’s word is alive, active, and has so much power! You’ve been given authority over your situation – use it.


Anyway, here is what I am thankful for this week.


Thankful Thursday


  • Emmaline’s Baby Sprinkle


So many things to be thankful for about this event – Kendyl helping me plan it and killing it in the decorations department, the sweet friends that took time out of their Saturday to come and bless us with gifts for Emmaline, & how relaxed I felt throughout the whole event. Plus having Rylie (I call her our VIP guest – since she’s the big sister) there made it even more special to me <3 I posted photos, so if you missed that post, you can check it out by clicking here.

  • A New Addition to the Tribe


I am so excited to share on the blog that my sister-in-law, Amberlyn, got engaged over the weekend! 😃 Amberlyn and her now fiancé, Ryan, have been together for almost a year and it’s been fun to watch their relationship grow. Now onto helping with wedding planning and purchasing that bridesmaids dress (AFTER I have the baby of course 😉 😝)

  • Daddy’s Girl


Almost two months later, we’re definitely finding our rhythm with Sundays now. But this past Sunday (2.25.18), Rylie was extra curious where Daddy was. During breakfast and lunch she said, “Dada?” and looked around the room for him. I told her where he was and when we’d see him next and she would nod and go back to eating. When I buckled her in her car seat, with a big grin she said, “Dada! Dada!” and bounce her legs with excitement. When she saw him she freaked out and walked as fast as she could over to him. We call her a “parents girl” because we know she loves both of us and desires interaction and attention from both of us, but I don’t mind her loving spending time with her daddy. It melts me!

  • McDonald’s Ice Cream Cones

I know this sounds so random, but y’all, I have never wanted a McDonald’s Ice Cream Cone so badly in my life. We were driving to Highlands College last night and out of nowhere I decided ice cream sounded good – a McDonald’s Cone to be exact (which I don’t think I’ve had one since our Tribe Shaver Scavenger Hunt back in 2016 – so talk about random). Normally I can shake a pregnancy craving, especially if it’s something I don’t have at home, but I could not shake this. I went so far as to Google Map how far the closest McDonald’s was to school (10 minutes away… so not feasible to try to get one in between my classes).

After we picked up Rylie from Rick & Michelle’s, Aaron surprised me by pulling into the McDonald’s drive-thru and spending $1.09 for my vanilla ice cream cone. You’d think I was a 5 year old with how ecstatic I was 😝





What are you thankful for this week?