week eight of “family month”

When Covid-19 really cracked down on March 16th, I honestly thought it’d last a couple weeks. Ha! More like two months. “Family Month” turned into “family two months” real quick.

As we look to the future, our state is slowly reopening so I’m deeming “family month” (or quarantine) over.

I’m a little behind on posting this because we’ve been living it up. Ha! Not really, but compared to quarantine life… we are. We’ve already had two playdates and the girls were ecstatic to see their friends again.

Aaron has gone back to his corporate job and doing the biz on his off days.

I have a lot of thoughts, so I’m saving them for another post. But this last week challenged me to consider what reentering the world would look like and I’m hoping to stay true to my plan and new convictions.

For those who are still invested in our theme life, this week we wrapped up GARDEN for G and did HOME for H.

Day 50

Monday we did some baking with our freshly picked strawberries. They go incredibly fast so I made two batches (six jars) of homemade strawberry jam.

Day 51

Tuesday was Cinco De Mayo so we ran to the store and grabbed all our Mexican favs. Aaron prepared a delicious spread and we enjoyed the company of my mother+sister-in-law.

Amberlyn snagged these photos of Paisley, so I had to share πŸ˜‰

I wrapped up the evening with watching a couple episodes of Little House on the Prairie (my new show) and messing around with my Young Living oils.

I made a couple rollers but I’m still learning combos + how much carrier oil to add.

Day 52

Wednesday I started working on our next letter – H.

Pairing this letter with some of our to-dos for the day was perfect. Including some chores + starting some home renovations….

….like tearing a part our deck πŸ˜›

I also made two dozen strawberry muffins to get through our strawberry patch goodies.

A late-afternoon trip to Lowe’s was also on the docket before dinner and bed for the night.

After the girls went to bed, Aaron and I started painting our dining room. After a couple hours of work, it looked so good (and different!).

Day 53

We woke up the next morning in awe of how the natural light hit the new paint in the dining room, and we fell in love.

I worked with Rylie on writing her letter H, and she did a fantastic job.

We also worked on her writing her name, which she’s been able to spell for weeks.

I’d say she did a great job!

After school it was time to get back at it. Aaron tore up more of the deck before coming back in and finishing up painting.

Day 54

Friday kicked off early. Aaron took Rylie to make a couple pine straw deliveries and I took Emmaline and Paisley with me as we dropped off a couple meals for some friends.

When we got back, we spent the remaining hours of the day painting – doing touch-ups + starting (and mostly finishing) our living room.

Day 55

Saturday was mainly a team effort of cleaning up our home. I did a bunch of work inside while Aaron did a phenomenal job on our yard. We wrapped up the day with baths for all and some screen time before heading to bed.

Day 56

Sunday was Mother’s Day, and I honestly can’t think of a better way to wrap up our family’s season of quarantine (why yes, I do think I deserve a little extra pat on the back for handling quarantine/Covid-19 – as do all moms!)

What about you? How was your week? Are you still quarantining or are you getting back into the flow of doing life with others?