week six of “family month”

Week 6 of “family month” (or quarantine) is checked off.

Another week has come and gone and I don’t know about you guys, but I sure would like to have some idea of when we can play with our friends, go to the zoo and the library again. Are we talking weeks? Months?

I admittedly don’t love the limbo but I’m trying my best to roll with the punches and keep my focus on what God is teaching me / us and make the adjustments to our life as needed. Some days are better than others but we’re doing pretty well over here. How are things with you?

Rylie and Emmaline have been doing great as usual. Of course, boundaries are tested occasionally but overall they are continually convicting me to have a good attitude and enjoy the simply things.

I have had a some great days and a some yuk days. There have been a few nights where after the girls go down, I find myself physically and emotionally exhausted. Those nights I have a little chit-chat with the Lord to check-in and reanalyze my day. It’s been a good practice for me and something I definitely believe will continue.

Thankfully, I’ve started to find things that put a big pep in my step and I have intentionally made those a priority. One of those things is moving my body in some way – so every day last week I either worked out, did yoga with the girls or went for a walk or run. Sometimes the girls will do parts of the workout with me, but usually they’ll just stand there and watch the video haha

For those who are still invested in our theme life, our theme for the week was DOG to go along with learning the letter D this week. However, Rylie is on a huge dragon kick after watching the “How To Train Your Dragon” series so we did way more around dragons than dogs.

Day 36

Monday turned out to be a very routine day. Nothing super exciting happened honestly. I tried to get back into a book I set aside in January and I got two pages back in and I closed it again. Guys, I really don’t know if I’ll be able to finish this book haha

Day 37

Tuesday started early. I did a 30-min workout kickboxing workout (shoutout to YouTube!) and then ran to the grocery store while my mother-in-law watched the girls. I got the necessities and came back with a couple surprises – including camping chairs.

Rylie and Emmaline were ecstatic and I am happy to have this wish-list item finally crossed off.

We spent the late afternoon outside (including dinner) and I loved watching the girls play together and hear their imaginations burst while I read.

Day 38

Wednesday we got into the letter D. We talked about the sound it makes, other words we use a lot that start with D (like Daddy, dragon, dinosaur, dinner, dancing, dog, etc.) while coloring a dog 😁

For dinner we had a fav and I’m adding it to my recipe list to share on the blog shortly.

Day 39

Thursday was supposed to be a stormy day (even though it was a stormy morning but turned out to be lovely in the late-morning / afternoon), but we got a quick walk in before we felt a couple morning raindrops.

For learning time, we cleaned up our Nerf Gun collection and talked about Nerf Gun safety. The girls loved shooting at the boxes we set up as targets and Aaron and I had a fun compition going ourselves.

Day 40

Friday I finally felt like my legs had recovered from the horrific soreness I experienced Wednesday and Thursday following my Tuesday morning workout. So, I got the girls out early for a little walk/run. I’m doing the Couch to 10k method which I’ve been wanting to do for a long time and am finally putting aside the excuses and getting into it.

To quote Rylie, “it was not my favorite walk!” 😂
Bringing the kids along on my “walk 2min, run 1min” (& do that 8times) meant a lot of running to a mailbox (while looking back often), turning the stroller around to run back to the girls, encouraging them to run too, turning back around all while moving my arm that has my Apple Watch cuz I’m sure shootin’ getting points for this! 

Later that morning I decided to paint a few mirrors (two for our master bath that I’ve been working on for a month-ish and one I want somewhere else in our house).

I had been wanting a circle mirror about this size for a few weeks, but was not going to pay the full price for it. Then one day I found this sucker at a thrift store for $7. “HELLO! You are coming home with me!” It’s been sitting in my bedroom for over a month so I was excited to get it painted. It’s made of wood, so I sanded it down before painting it. I think it turned out great!

Snack was a win – vanilla pudding with chocolate chips.

The remainder of the afternoon was a mix of play and chores. But I had the cutest little helper 🙂

We ended the day by camping out in the playroom and watching the latest fav – How To Train Your Dragon.

Day 41

Saturday began with a 15-minute kickboxing workout (thanks again YouTube) before the big girls were up for the day.

We started with some learning, and I updated our weekly theme because I’ve changed it up (again) – the theme is going to match our letter (we do two a week). I’ve planned them all out and it’s going to be fun.

I decided EARTH would be our theme for the letter E and we kicked it off with a seek and find page I found on Pinterest and Rylie did a great job counting each item and I helped her write down the number.

We also finished our 6th Magic TreeHouse book.

After quiet time, the girls and I went over to my in-law’s rental property to help them move. The girls and I were really there for moral support but we did help sort + toss some stuff.

Unfortunately, Rylie got a splinter (her first one ever) and it was a horrible experience.

This splinter.
It took us hours yesterday to get it out of Rylie’s palm. Not because we couldn’t get it, but because our 3-year-old was so consumed with fear she could not stay still for the few seconds it would take to pull it out.
We prayed, distracted & talked about our feelings.
When we finally got it out, Aaron and I were both wide eyed and gave each other accolades for this new stage of parenting we just endured.
At the time, I knew this was a defining moment to care for my daughter’s emotions. Later, I saw how it doesn’t matter if it’s our first splinter or Covid-19, fear can consume us if we let it. I’m thankful to have a Heavenly Father who will hold us, talk to us, reassure us and ultimately, loves us enough to do what is best, even if it’s uncomfortable for a few seconds (or months haha)

Day 42

Sunday was our family day, so no workout for me 🙂 I also strive to be off my phone as much as possible – even in my down time. So I took just enough pictures to mark what we did that day but immediately set my phone back down. It’s been a healthy habit for me to set one day a week of no socials & it is refreshing.

After a yummy breakfast, we got ready for lunch with our Tribe. It was so nice to hang out in a different house honestly haha

It was a later lunch than normal, so we had some snacks out to munch on. Emmaline left a trail of strawberries that only had one bite in them…

After a delicious lunch, Aaron and I snuck away for a mini-date. Which was a lot of fun and much needed!

We wrapped up the day with baths/showers for everyone and Aaron & I watched the church service before turning in for the night.


How was your sixth week at home?

What have you noticed puts an extra pep in your step?