paisley – 7 months old

Here we are at 7-months-old and all I can think is how fast 6-months went by. Covid-19 has kept me a little distracted haha.

At her 6-month check-up ( which was really at 6 1/2 months) she was 25 1/2 inches long and weighed 16.8 pounds.


  • eating baby food
  • sitting up
  • playing with her big sisters
  • going to bed
  • being held by Mommy


  • being held by someone other than Mommy for too long
  • big sisters being rough
  • being hungry, stinky or too sleepy
  • growing (this includes teething)


Paisley started eating “real food” this month, starting with oatmeal.

She didn’t mind it, but she definitely liked the spoon more. πŸ˜›

Currently she really likes the baby food she’s had, apples and peaches.

Right now our routine is 8oz bottle when she wakes up, baby food at 9:30 am, bottle at 11:30 am and 3 pm then baby food at 5:30 pm and ending the day with her last bottle at 7:30 / 8 pm.


This was a glorious month in the sleep department!

She had her 6-month doctor’s appointment at the beginning of April and the doctor asked how she did on sleep. I told him “not so great.” and he encouraged me to let her cry it out (which I’m good with that method, but it’s not one that comes easy to me πŸ˜› ). A couple nights later, Paisley was only waking up once at night and that was only because her diaper was full. After a quick change, she’d fall right back asleep until morning.

Praise. The. Lord!

She doesn’t very often, but I snagged this photo of her when she passed out in my arms. Precious little one.

As for a sleeping schedule, she wakes up between 6:30/7 am, takes a short nap at 9:30 am, a long nap from 12-3ish pm, another short nap at 5/5:30 pm and then goes to bed between 7:45/8:30 pm.


Paisley is known for her sweet, laid-back personality but man has these last couple weeks thrown her off. My guess is teething and/or growing pains but our sweet little girl has had days where she is extremely fussy, clingy and borderline unconsolable.

As she’s become more confident in sitting up, she really enjoys playing with Rylie and Emmaline. Although they are not a fan of her putting their toys in her mouth, they love having her a part.

Even her relationship with Emmaline has gotten better. Mainly because Emmaline has been very sweet and motherly to her.

She loves being outside and riding in her stroller. Typically she’ll play with her toys while enjoying the stroll but other times she is very alert and will sit up the entire ride.

Paisley also celebrated her first Easter this month. I packed her bucket with baby food, sippies and a new bib. She seemed happy πŸ™‚


Paisley is still my hip-buddy. Teething has amplified this trait of hers x1,000 so that’s been an arm workout πŸ˜›

She loves to giggle, coo, talk, chew on toys, and jump. That jumper was a $20 well spent. She has loved it and has used it more than Rylie and Emmaline combined.

Paisley is a mamas girl through and through. If I am in the same room (or building), she will fuss and tears will stream down her face if someone else is holding her. The second I pick her up, she is totally fine and just stares at the person who was holding her.

We joke about this with Aaron because she has a limit of how long he can hold her (and it’s not very long). When the timer has gone off in her brain, it’s evident. But she absolutely loves to look at him.

Paisley is such a sweet addition to our fam. I smirk as I remember those mixed feelings I had throughout my pregnancy with her and having to trust her unexpected presence was what our family needed. And boy, did we ever need her.


Rylie at 7-months

Emmaline at 7-months