week two of “family month”

Week 2 of “family month” (or quarantine) is checked off. Hows your sanity?

The girls struggled a little more this week. Potty training took a negative turn but we knew Emmaline would be the hardest to train. I’m determined though and we’ll get through it. Rylie asked more than often this week if we could go somewhere (the zoo, church, a friend’s house, etc.) but I tried to follow my “not today Hun.” with something positive and she responded well to that.

Aaron is still working but his hours have been extremely cut so we’re dealing with that.

I started Theme Days and I’ve gotten a lot of compliments on it but honestly, it’s more for me than the kids. It’s been a wonderful redirection of focus for me and pushes my creativity. I’ve also been leading my small group and that has kept me busy too as we’ve transitioned to online communication. I had one morning that was a little bit of a struggle – I just felt spent, uncreative and a little empty. Thankfully I decided to read (& actually ended up finishing my book – yay!!!) & that filled me up some. Admitting to God though that today was a struggle is what turned me around.
It’s okay to not be okay guys! But you can’t stay there. Spend some time with Jesus & do something that makes you happy 😄

So overall, I’d sum up week 2 as me putting together all kinds of different themes so we could all keep our sanity. Even though potty training the almost-2-year-old threatened me to lose it. hahaha

Alrighty – lets get into what we did this week.

Day 8

We started our daily themes and we kicked it off with Rain. It took up the majority of our day so all our pictures for the day are us doing those activities.

Day 9

Paisley turned 6-months 😀

Day 10

Today was Seattle themed so we spent most of our day outside in the gorgeous weather to celebrate.

Day 11

We spent the majority of the day at my in-law’s new house. Aaron did some work with his dad outside while I hung out inside with my mother-in-law + the girls.

When we got home, it was all about our space theme and it was a blast 😉

I’d also like to point out the humor in our life (well… the insanity really but one day we’ll laugh 😛 ). That would be the inability for our big girls to stay in their bedroom at bedtime. This was Aaron explaining why they can’t come out and what will happen if they do. Hahaha!

Day 12

Our theme for the day was camping which was a lot of fun, but it took an interesting turn when I went on Instagram during the girls’ quiet time and I saw they challenged everyone to have breakfast for dinner, wear PJs and listen to their “Breakfast Song.”


Day 13

To piggyback off our camping theme, I chose Western theme.

This was the morning I struggled (see fourth paragraph at the beginning). I had just put the big girls down for quiet time and Paisley was still up, happy as can be.

I got her in her jumper while I tried to blog but I decided to stop, focus on her until she fell asleep (not long after actually) and then instead of getting back onto my computer, I chose to read. Guys – game changer! As much as I love blogging, I needed to step back in that moment and I knew reading was what I was supposed to put my energy to. And I actually finished the book I had been reading! YAY!!!

The rest of the day went so much smoother and I really think it’s because I took a step back and poured into myself a little.

Day 14

Sunday morning Aaron was off work (which isn’t normal) so we jumped out of bed so we could take advantage of the cooler weather and seize the long overdue yard work.

The girls and I took a walk (two walks actually) while Aaron did the mowing since the girls kept complaining how loud it was. Rylie pulled a used scavenger hunt printable I made last week but was only interested for a short time before she handed it back to me and just wanted to walk.

When we got back, Aaron had finished mowing and we helped rake and blow leaves. Rylie occasionally asked how she could help and Aaron trusted her with the leaf blower, which she loved operating.

After the tiresome raking I did (talk about a workout), I got some Paisley snuggles and I’m kind of obsessed with these photos!

After quiet time, we embraced our Dino theme with painting a craft and the girls thought it was hilarious to have their hands painted.

We ended the day with some popcorn and family cuddles, just the way it should be 😉

How was your second week?

What was something you struggled with? 

What was something that made you smile?