thankful thursday #8

As you’ll be able to tell from my list below, I feel like there were quite a few things to be thankful for this week. From witnessing a big milestone with Rylie to getting packages delivered on our doorstep, this past week provided lots of opportunities for me to be grateful.



Thankful Thursday


  • I Was Home To See Rylie Walk


When I first started working, Aaron had to reassure me often that I wasn’t missing any “firsts” while I was at work. When it came to taking her first steps, Rylie could have easily decided to walk while I was at work, leaving me to experiencing this milestone through a video. But God was kind to me and had Rylie wait until I was home to be able to witness it in person. If you saw the video I shared in “rylie’s first steps,” you’ll notice how giddy Aaron and I are. It was so special to get to experience that together as a family! <3

  • The Marriage Conference


I’m so thankful for a church that sees immense importance in investing in their couples to better them and their relationship. We had a great time at this year’s conference and are just so thankful to be part of such a life-giving church.

  • Rylie’s Backpack

A couple Sundays ago (2.4.18) Rylie and I stopped at BuyBuy Baby because we needed to get a new sippy cup. We passed by the Skip Hop toddler backpacks and I found myself turning the cart to look at them. I was considering getting Rylie a little backpack for a while because I felt like there’s no need to carry a big diaper bag when the majority of the time all Rylie needs is a diaper or two. I took Rylie out of the cart and put a backpack on her to see what it looked like. “It’s as big as you are!” I told Rylie with a giggle. I put her back in the cart and grabbed the two I liked the most (a monkey and a puppy – I wasn’t a fan of the girly unicorn or lady bug options) and held them up to her and asked which one she liked. She looked at both of them, and after taking them both in, patted the puppy one. “You like the puppy?” I asked, and she nodded. I put the monkey back on the shelf and put the puppy backpack in the cart. Aaron thinks it’s the cutest hing and uses it every time they go out. When they came to visit me for lunch last week, I made a point to get a photo of her with it on.

  • Family Photos


I wanted to get family photos taken when Rylie turned a year old, and even though I was pregnant with Emmaline and I knew we’d get maternity photos, I was still determined to have our little family of 3 photographed. So back in November we got family photos taken and we just got them back from our photographer. You can see my favorites by checking out my blog post earlier this week – “little family of 3“.

  • Usborne Packages (for us 😀 )


I had a Build-A-Library baby shower through Facebook for my Washington friends and family last week and all at once we got packages from Usborne with sweet books for Emmaline. It was so sweet to see what we received and what books Emmaline (and Rylie) get to enjoy.






What are you thankful for this week?