thankful thursday #10

What a great but full week it’s been – first days of March, maternity pictures, my birthday, doctor appointment and being 35 weeks pregnant with a long to-do list staring me in the face and no time to get it all done. But hey, we will all survive either way, so praise God! 😝


Let’s dive into this week’s Thankful Thursday, shall we!?



Thankful Thursday


  • Maternity Photos


I am one of those people that really values having maternity photos. I love having photos to go along with the memory of being pregnant with my child. I think maternity photos are beautiful, and this week, I’m thankful that we got ours taken. Plus, my sister-in-law took them with my camera, so I got them back right away – which is always awesome! 😛 If you missed the post or you just want to look at the photos again, like me 😉, you can check them out here.

  • Park Days


We took full advantage of the gorgeous weather on Saturday (3.3.18) afternoon and went to a park nearby. We instantly fell in love with the family atmosphere and big playground that Rylie could enjoy. We spent the next hour navigating the other families and swinging, sliding down the slides, playing with playground equipment, and finally enjoying a walk on the path before heading home for dinner. It’s definitely a park we plan on visiting again in the near future.

  • My Birthday


I’m always thankful to make it another year 😝 But really, I had a great day and even though it was busy with our normal Sunday commitments, I was flooded with texts and social media notifications of friends and acquaintances wishing me a happy birthday. I also got to enjoy some delicious food and spend the day with my favorite little girl ❤

I documented my birthday in a blog post (of course 😝), so you can check it out here if you missed it.

  • Heavenly Donuts


A delicious delicacy I treated myself to on my birthday (and I purchased a dozen which may have been a slight over-commitment but hey – the donuts are amazing and I’d probably end up doing it again if I had a re-do! 😉). I am so thankful to the owners who perfected this goody and made it affordable enough for me to splurge on my birthday. I’m also thankful they’re not right around the corner from me or I would be there a lot more often 😝

  • Baby Sunglasses


We’re still unpacking from our move back in December, and the other day we came across my pair of sunglasses from when I was a baby. So on Sunday, when we were having our little donut picnic, I grabbed these gems and put them on Rylie. They didn’t last long as she quickly took them off to examine them, but I captured a quick photo and hopefully we can get her to wear them longer than 2 seconds next time haha





What are you thankful for this week?