easter 2018

Easter weekend was full of new traditions, family, laughter, and rest!


Let’s start with Good Friday (3.30.18) – I had the day off work, which was awesome! I’ve never worked for a company who gave us that day off so it was refreshing to have that extra day to relax and get ready for the holiday. That evening, Aaron, my mom (who flew into town on Thursday (3.29.18) morning) and I stuffed Rylie’s eggs with Cheddar Bunnies and Animal Crackers. I also put together her Easter basket with the goodies I got on our mommy & me date so we’d be all ready for the morning. It was so fun to prepare those little goodies for Rylie!



On Saturday (3.31.18) we had the tribe over to our house for brunch (crapes, fruit, bacon, eggs, juice, YUM!) and to watch Rylie have her first ever Easter Egg Hunt.


Aaron went outside to lay out the eggs in plain sight on the lawn while I got Rylie ready. When the eggs were set (which took all of 2 minutes), we all walked outside together, everyone’s phone in hand. Once we were all outside, Rylie just stared at us and laughed, completely unaware of what we were expecting of her. To help get the process started, Aaron grabbed an egg and put it in her basket, which perked her interest and when Aaron pointed to the ground where there were more eggs, she reached down to grab one that was nearby and put it in her basket. Everyone praised her which made her very proud.






When Rylie realized that the eggs made a noise, she shook it and giggled even more. A couple minutes later, she decided to put it in her basket and continued adding to her collection.





She actually collected most of the eggs before sitting down, indicating that she was no longer interested in this “game.” 😝




Like I said earlier, all phones were definitely out for this “first time Easter Egg Hunt,” and I couldn’t help but snag a photo of family taking photos 😛



We snagged a quick photo before everyone had to get going so they could get ready for Easter services at church.


When we went inside, I gave Rylie her basket, which she was somewhat interested in, but she was WAY more intrigued by the snacks in the eggs 😀 I wasn’t offended though.



After breakfast was cleaned up and the tribe had left, my mom hung out with Rylie while Aaron and I went to church to serve their 4:30pm service in the Nursery / Preschool.


Aaron left right at 6am on Easter Sunday (4.1.18) to serve the Preschool at church, and I got to stay home and enjoy a relaxing morning since I served the night before. I wish I could’ve served more services to help with the influx of new families we had attending church due to the holiday, but being so far along in my pregnancy, it physically wasn’t possible. So instead, I got to sleep in, get some chores done, bake some banana bread, and get a nap in before getting ready to attend service at 4pm.

I really wasn’t expecting to be pregnant for Easter, so finding something to wear that was “Eastery” took some thought. 😛 Luckily I remembered I had a maternity dress that I wore for Rylie’s maternity session that I hadn’t worn yet this pregnancy, and it worked out perfectly.


The service was phenomenal and hundreds of people got saved which is a huge “PRAISE GOD!!!”

After service, we took all those classic Easter photos –




Overall, Easter 2018 was great and I am just so thankful that we got to celebrate our Savior.