quarantine journal – spring 2020

I was going through some notes and realized I had never shared this with you guys…. fail.

Back in May, I wrote down some thoughts + a round up of our two months of quarantine back when Covid-19 had just released in the USA. Today, I am finally sharing that with you.

A few days into our quarantine-life, I realized this was going to be a historical moment in my mind. As the documenter in our family, I did my best to recount the days and feelings we all had during the 50+ days we were quarantined. I quickly noticed this season was a huge opportunity – for me, my kids, and our household. Today, I wanted to share a few things I learned during this:

Daily Habits That Gave Me Life

Talk about a great time to set new routines. Looking back, I set several and they really have made a big difference in my days. Waking up before the girls was huge. Working out (or some kind of body movement). Eating well. Intentional learning time. Time to read. Schedules / Routines.

Family Milestones

Emmaline turned 2

Rylie turned 3 1/2

Paisley turned 6-months & 7-months

Emmaline got potty trained

Weekly Journal

Week 1

Week 2

Week 3

Week 4

Week 5

Week 6

Week 7

Week 8

Make sure you also check out my “5 things I learned | 5 things I’m adding | 5 things I’m leaving” post. I really enjoyed looking back at myself during those two months and seeing the personal growth that occurred.

Did you document the Quarantine 2020 season?