bump update :: 17 weeks

Week 17:


Symptoms ::Baby P loves to eat. Thankfully I don’t get nauseous when I’m hungry like I did in the early days, but if I’ve gone a while without a filling something, I don’t feel good. I also really need to get to my maternity box because I feel like I’m wearing the same 5 articles of clothing haha.

Food Aversions :: Nothing specific

Food Cravings ::Dairy. All the dairy. Mainly Chick-Fil-A or McDonalds Ice Cream and cereal (which I’ve had pretty much every night before bed).

Sleep :: I wake up to turn but other than that I am g.o.n.e.

Looking Forward To :: Nothing specific honestly. I feel better, we know the gender, now it’s just time to wait.

Baby Purchases :: Nothing

Fun Stories ::It’s been so fun to announce the gender. Lots of people expressed their surprise (and offered well wishes as we are not only outnumbered, but also have 3 girls 😝) but we’ve also had a lot of compliments on the name (which of course we love)!