bump update :: week 35

Week 35:


Symptoms ::  I’ve been feeling some pressure and pings in parts of my belly but my doctor told me that’s just everything getting ready. Otherwise, I’m just constantly fighting exhaustion.

Food Aversions ::  Popcorn salts. Aaron bought a variety of flavors for our small group and even though he and our guests rave about how amazing they are, I can’t stand any of them.

Food Cravings ::  Sweets! Nutella (which we had leftovers from my baby sprinkle) & Heavenly Donuts (from my birthday) have been my go-tos.

Sleep :: I just don’t want to be woken up with an alarm and sleep / rest for a day. Thankfully the Saturdays leading up to her arrival are empty so hopefully I can get some extra sleep.

Looking Forward To :: Some much needed family time before Emmaline comes. It will never be just the 3 of us again, and both Aaron and I want to make sure we maximize our time together (just the 2 of us AND with Rylie) before we go through the season of adjusting to being a family of 4.

Baby Purchases :: Newborn diapers. I need to pull out what I packed away (clothes, burp cloths, pump, bottles, etc.) and take inventory or what we have so I know if there is anything we need to purchase.

Fun Stories ::  At my doctor’s appointment this week (35 week check-up), my doctor told me that my belly looks lower than last week so I’ve dropped. She also told me that she is confident that Emmaline’s head is in my left hip and her butt and feet are by my upper right rib, which means that she’s already head down (a sign that the baby is getting ready). When my doctor went to get Emmaline’s heartbeat, she had to move the monitor around multiple times because Emmaline kept moving or pushing on it. “Hold still little peanut,” my doctor said with a giggle. “She’s a busy one!” she commented as she locked in on the heartbeat, which was a strong and fast 158. Overall, the appointment confirmed that we are definitely in the final stretch! 😀