ideas for acts of kindness – 2020

Christmas is known for people extending extra kindness, and of all the years, don’t you think 2020 would be an incredible year to blow people away with generosity!?

Here are some ideas, but get creative and do what best fits you / your family.


  1. Pay for someone’s gas.
  2. Take out the garbage for an elderly or handicap neighbor.
  3. Leave an encouraging note in items you are donating, selling, or returning.
  4. Deliver fresh-baked cookies to a neighbor or co-worker.
  5. Cook a meal for a family with lots of kids.
  6. Babysit for free.
  7. Pay for someone’s coffee or meal behind you in the drive-through.
  8. Send a note of encouragement to someone in the mail.
  9. Give baked goods or a small gift to the postman or delivery person.
  10. Leave a big tip for your server at a restaurant.
  11. Help someone who you know is struggling financially.
  12. Pay for someone’s meal or dessert at a restaurant.
  13. Bake goodies and take them to the police station, fire station, or hospital.
  14. Take a box of doughnuts to a school, office, etc.
  15. Reconnect with an old friend you haven’t talked to in years.
  16. Help tutor a struggling student.
  17. Pay for someone’s groceries.
  18. Have your kids draw pictures, write an encouraging note on the back, and drop them off in mailboxes.
  19. As you walk, bike, or jog around your neighborhood, pray for protection over the families of each household.
  20. Connect with anyone you know whose family’s health has been affected by COVID-19, and offer to drop off a home-cooked meal on their doorstep. Ask if they have any other needs for supplies or resources that you could help provide during this time.
  21. Call a local nursing home or retirement community and ask if there’s anything you can do to help the residents with groceries or other practical needs. Drop items off with notes of encouragement!
  22. Drop off food, gifts and/or notes of encouragement to families in the NICU.