we are matched!!!


After 2+years and 94 cases received, a first-mama chose our family to raise her baby.

We announced our decision to adopt in January 2022 and it’s then it’s been an incredibly challenging season of legal paperwork, fundraising, conversations, heartache, questions, hope, letdown and the most dependent on Christ I think I’ve ever been – but also the closest to God I’ve ever been.

You can look back on our adoption journey here.

After receiving so many cases, it became routine to present and wait to hear if mama chose us or not (I usually expected her to not truthfully). It was a very normal day – a busy morning hosting Nature Day Forest School and a chaotic afternoon with my crew. I was out of the house when I initially missed Courtney’s (our caseworker) call, but she texted me saying “Hey! Just checking in on you. Call me when you can.” My mind immediately raced to everything I had done recently that could warrant a conversation, and I couldn’t think of anything. Although Courntey and I are close friends at this point, it wasn’t like her to send a text message worded that… I knew we had one case we were waiting to hear back from, but determined to not get my hopes up, I pushed any thoughts of “could this be it!?” aside.

When I got home, I was in the process of getting ready for a long overdue date night which also included a photo session I had scheduled to get pictures done for our upcoming milestone anniversary next month, when Courtney and I were able to connect on the phone. Something in my gut told me to record myself taking the phone call… just in case… so I grabbed Aaron’s iPad, propped it up on the windowsill in my kitchen, and hit record.

*spoiler alert – it was about the case we had just presented on the day before 😉

“YOU’VE BEEN MATCHED!” and I immediately started crying! “She loves you and her son helped pick you because you have four children and he wanted this baby to have siblings. She’s from a big family, and she wanted this baby to be part of a big family too.” 😭🥹

After we exchanged some conversation, she told me it was time to tell Aaron and we’d reconnect to go over next steps.

I was a mess. I couldn’t think clearly.

Aaron got home from work and sensed my vibe was off and he’s really good at reading me (12+ years together will do that ;P ) and I knew I was not going to be able to keep this until I surprised him at the photo session. So I made up some crappy fib to get him into the baby room I had set up the week before so he could read the letter board I had made.

He was so excited and got emotional when I shared with him my phone call with Courtney and why Mama chose us.

We went to our session and our talented friend captured a few professional pictures of our announcement.

Our original date-night plan went out the window and we used some of our time to gather ourselves. We FaceTimed a couple people and then called it a night.

The next morning, we told a few other people in our lives, including our kids. Their excitement was another level (as we knew it would be).

You guys … we have been matched with a BOY who is due early August 💙

Aaron and I have a variety of emotions within us but the kids are all kinds of pumped!

I’ve never questioned that God would provide every need, but now we need a MIRACLE!!! ✨

We need $95,000 to cover agency costs, baby’s medical, legal fees, etc. to bring him home.
💵 Venmo/CashApp – sarahmshaver

You guys have been part of this from the beginning – would you rally with us one last time!? 🤟🏻🙂

So here we are… on the final sprint and we have less than 3-months to do it. We are so excited to connect more with the family and begin creating this very unique and sacred relationship with them.

THANK YOU for all of your support over the last 2+ years.

Now let’s get this kiddo home.

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