thankful thursday #12

This week was an awkward mix of fast but slow (you know, those times when Tuesday should be Thursday!?) And honestly, with baby #2 coming any day, I really am just taking each day as it comes and learning to be flexible in the process (make plans but knowing that they might get cancelled if our new addition decides to come).


Since it’s (finally) Thursday, here is this week’s Thankful Thursday post –


Thankful Thursday


  • Doctor Appointments

I’m very thankful for doctors for multiple reasons, but towards the end of my pregnancy I feel like I’m extra thankful for them. It helps that I love my doctor and nurse too 😊


  • Work Dinners


Part of my job is to plan events for our company, so when my boss told me to start planning a coworker’s retirement party, I dived into caterers, florists, rentals, etc. A few weeks later, we finally had the event on Tuesday (3.20.18) and it was so reassuring to see everything come together. I’m so thankful that my coworker felt valued and appreciated, and that I got to play a part in that.


  • Flowers (for free 😃)


I’m not a huge “flower” person, and by that I mean I’m not the girl that demands flowers from her man, but when I get bouquets for free, I LOVE having them around! So when the work event was over and there were 6 flower bouquets that needed new homes, I gladly snagged one and took it home.

So for the last month I have had some kind of bouquet in my house – it started with Emmaline’s baby shower, then my birthday, and now this work dinner.


  • Pedicures

Can I get an “amen” from the ladies out there!? I rarely get pedicures, but I think I should make it a more consistent venture because I absolutely love them and feel so good afterwards (which is funny because 5 years ago I wouldn’t let anyone touch my feet for any reason). Plus, it helps when you go with your best friend and catch up on life 🙂





What are you thankful for this week?