bump update :: week 22

Week 22:


Symptoms ::  I get physically tired quickly, and bending over (or squatting) to pick up Rylie is not a natural, fluid motion anymore haha. Plus, I do not find it comfortable when she climbs over it or puts any kind of pressure on it.

Food Aversions ::  Nothing really.

Food Cravings ::  I’m back on my egg kick 😛 and I enjoy having something sweet after dinner (ice cream or cookies 😉 )

Sleep :: Sometimes I get up in the middle of the night to use the restroom, but usually I make it all night and sleep wonderfully!

Looking Forward To :: Getting my glucose test over with. I’m getting it done at my appointment this month…

Baby Purchases ::  Nothing.

Fun Stories ::  With Christmas coming up, Aaron and I talked about what we’re going to get for Rylie. Ultimately, we decided the wrapping paper / bows are enough for her this year and NEXT YEAR we’ll get her a couple gifts that will be more appreciated (and used). It may seem ambitious to already to be thinking of next Christmas, but we realized that Emmaline will be here then (and be 8 months old!!!!) so it’s been kind of fun to imagine what that Christmas will look like (so far, I’m definitely getting them matching Christmas PJ’s 😝 )