god is with us

Yesterday (MONDAY – 12.19.16) was a full day full of activities. It started with my 6week postpartum appointment in downtown Birmingham at 9:45am. I started my morning routine at 7:30am thinking I had ample time to feed Rylie, pump, and get both of us ready. Yeah, not so much… I ended up leaving a little later then I wanted to but I still got to the doctor office on time, so that’s good. My doctor saw me and said I’m healing really well from my 3rd-degree tear (ouch!) and I should be back to normal in a few weeks.

After coming home and feeding Rylie, I decided I wanted to take Roxie to the dog park, so I loaded her and Rylie in the car and we headed out. We braved the 39 degree weather for almost an hour before I decided we needed to go home.

Next on the agenda for the day was getting ready to go to the main campus (Grants Mill) for Church of the Highland‘s Christmas service. The service started at 5pm and we wanted to get there early, so the plan was to leave at 3:45pm. Rick, Michelle, MeeMaw, Rylie and I didn’t end up driving away from our house until 4:20pm AND we had to pick up Aaron from work on the way to the church (Amberlyn was already there). In my scurry to get out the door quickly, I left the diaper bag sitting on the table. When I realized this half-way to the church, I immediately felt dumb. What kind of a mom leaves her kids diaper bag that has the diapers, burp cloth, bottles, etc. (I packed a bottle because I was planning on leaving Rylie in the nursery for the first time so I could focus on the service)!? I was trying so hard to not be negative towards myself, but it was a tough battle.

After a couple more bumps in the road, we finally made it to church right at 5pm. I booked it to the nursery to drop Rylie off and she was passed out in her car seat. They told me I could leave her in there so I didn’t wake her up, which I really appreciated.

I ended up missing a little bit of worship, but I saw the meat of the service which was phenomenal! 😀

During the service, they displayed this classic “Christmas story” verse on the screen – “Watch for this—a virgin will get pregnant and bear a son; They will name him Immanuel (Hebrew for “God is with us”).” -Matthew 1:23


I love how God brings me new insight to His word. I’ve heard this verse hundreds of times, but for the first time, I was stricken by these 4 words ~ “God is with us!”

I’ve lost count of how many times in my life I have felt alone. In a world that prides itself in being constantly connected through social media, I think more people feel alone than we know. Being a new mom has definitely brought some feelings that, although brief, I’ve had to battle against. And even though I’d been running a little behind all day, feeling frazzled in the rush, and then realizing I forgot the one bag I thought my daughter needed, this verse was a beautiful reminder that I’m not alone even when I feel like I am – even when I feel like a failure.

God is with you. Always. And for me, this brings the feelings of comfort and security.

I’m learning a lot right now – and yes, it is overwhelming at times. Honestly, I do sometimes act and talk like I’ve been doing this for years when it’s only been 6 weeks. I have to live in a constant state of giving myself grace and knowing that God is doing the same for me.

Anyway, after the service we took a picture with the tribe and then Aaron & I took a few of our own.


I hope in the midst of today, whatever may happen, you can hold on to the fact that God is with you walking through every joy and hardship with you. He loves being involved in your life and hanging out with you!