paisley- 5 months old

The 25th totally snuck up on me. Time is flying with this one and I’m surprised she’ll be half a year old next month.


  • The jumper
  • hearing the sound of her bottle shaking
  • rocking in the rocking chair at night
  • being tickled
  • interacting with Rylie


  • Being tired
  • being excluded from things
  • being set down when she definitely wants to be held


Sadly, that fourth round of mastitis killed my supply so we have completely switched to formula. Paisley is taking the new food well though and has been eating so much and so often I honestly can’t imagine being able to keep up with her 😅

This girl eats 6oz bottles every two-ish hours. Her routine is eat, play, eat again if refusing to sleep, and then sleep.


Paisley has officially moved over to her crib this month! She is set up in the girls playroom and she is handling it great! As you’ll read below, she does wake up but she seems to love being in her own space.

Paisley starts getting sleepy around 7:30 and likes to be changed, in her night zip-up and in bed by 8pm.

She will wake up anywhere between 0-3 times a night. Her usual wake-up times are 11pm, 2am and 4/5am. It’s an exciting day though when she makes it to 4/5am!

Of course, each wake-up requires a feeding and diaper change. I’m telling you, the girl is growing!

Naps are strange… she takes one in the morning (around 8/9am), an early afternoon (around 12pm), and a late afternoon 4/5pm – right before dinner.


This girl is loving being a part of things and interacting with everyone she can. She’s been giggling a lot this month and finds Rylie hilarious. She also likes to be tickled under her neck – specifically on the left side.

Paisley loves jumping in the jumper. Definitely a good fit for this active baby.

Rylie and Emmaline have enjoyed Paisley’s new awareness but are still adjusting to the fact that Paisley takes a lot of focus from Mama. They are pretty understanding but I’m looking forward to the day when Paisley enjoys sitting on the floor to play as well so we can all play together vs. me standing holding her and watching the big girls play.

Rylie still addresses her baby sister as “Miss Plaisey” and Emmaline says “Pay-see” clearer than ever. We laugh and say Emmaline can say Paisley’s name better than Rylie at times.


Like I said above, Paisley has been moved to her own crib, which has been great. It’s been nice to have our full bed again. However, this also means that I have to get up and walk across the hall to tend to her tears in the middle of the night. This has led to deeper exhaustion on my end but I know it’ll get better eventually.

Most nights I have been rocking her to sleep in our rocking chair and it’s become my time to snuggle with her. It’s precious to me.


Rylie at 5-months

Emmaline at 5-months

One Reply to “paisley- 5 months old”

  1. Ashleigh Stratton says:

    What a cutie! Love reading what you’re sharing !

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