welcome book club – summer ’23

Our crew has done three book club meetings with some homeschool friends of ours and it really has been such a fun way for all of us to get into reading bulkier books (vs. just picture books). We personally like to listen to them while we’re driving and it truly is a gift (to the kids and to me ;).

I’ve been flirting with the idea of starting our own book club for a while now to help serve more homeschool families (the one we attend is at capacity but I regularly get messages asking if there’s space to join). And so, I am excited to announce that Shaver Crew is launching – Kids Book 📚 Club

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I’m excited to invite our community into this fun & educational experience! Reading has added so much to our children’s imagination & homeschool education – we’re excited to create a community of likeminded families who desire their children to have a love for stories & want to watch those stories come to life!

Below is our Summer Book List. I’ve included Amazon links but I encourage you to search for them at your local library or used bookstore (that’s where I found them). However, even brand new they are less than $10.

This Summer, we will be reading:

MayHello, Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle by Betty MacDonald

JuneThe Trumpet of the Swan by E.B. White

JulyPrince Caspian by C.S. Lewis

*you can either read the book out-loud or listen via audiobook


+We will read a children’s/youth chapter book once a month and gather for a book-themed hang out.

+Parents are required to participate & everyone will contribute to the gathering (snacks, activities/crafts, etc.) all based around the book we just read.

+A $20 commitment fee is due per family at the beginning of the quarter (May, June & July). This holds your place & will cover minimal, overarching supply cost.


If you’re local and interested in joining us, here’s the form you can fill out —

Please note we have received lots of interest and club size will be limited. Once your application is received, we will reach out and let you know if you’ve been accepted.