bump update :: 20 weeks

Week 20:


Symptoms :: I did a lot of work around the house this week and my body definitely felt it towards the end of the day. My back would start to hurt and carrying the girls in general became extremely difficult. I also was really thirsty.

Food Aversions :: Nothing specific

Food Cravings :: Nothing specific

Sleep :: The girls were sick so I was up multiple hours a night to take care of them but that had nothing to do with pregnancy. I was just super tired.

Looking Forward To :: the rest of this pregnancy.

Baby Purchases :: Newborn diapers.

Fun Stories :: I had my doctor appointment on Monday (5.13.19) and it was the anatomy scan so I got to see Paisley on the screen. My tech asked beforehand if I knew the gender and I said, “yes. It’s a girl. Unless something has grown in the last month!?” Hahaha. The tech thought that was super funny and confirmed it’s still a girl 😜 Paisley is so active and precious already. She’s super healthy and the doctor was very happy to see how she’s developing. When she was talking to me about it, she hesitated asking, “so we know the gender?” And I said “oh yeah, it’s a girl!” Haha “do we have a name?” She asked. “Paisley.” I replied. She told me how much she loved that and I saw her take notes in my file.

I also flew to Seattle this week. Walking through security, the guy said jokingly, “ma’am, I’m going to need you to put that basketball with your other things to be checked.” “Haha! I would if I could!”