summer read-a-thon 2019

Summer is almost here, which brings sunny days, lounging at the pool or beach,  unstructured days and, unfortunately, that statement parent’s &/or caregivers dread – “I’m board.”

Most kids love a challenge, which is why I am challenging kiddos to read 20-30 minutes a day for 10 days in June. Each child will receive a packet that includes a gift that can be used year-round and will need to ask family and friends to make a donation (pledge) to the child for their reading efforts. At the end of those 10 days, each child who participated will be rewarded with a free book shopping spree with the money they received from their pledges to pick out new books for them to enjoy the remainder of the summer.

Plus, not only is your kid(s) getting a book shopping spree, but each dollar they spend on books for their own shelves racks up rewards that equals a dollar amount that will be spent on a child in need and allow them to receive their own book shopping spree.


Love the idea and want more information?

Send me an email and I will answer any and all questions / concerns you may have.

No questions and ready to go? SIGN UP HERE!

>>deadline to sign up is Wednesday, May 22nd at 11:59 pm PST<<

Can’t wait to read with you 😀