bump update :: week 30

Week 30:


Symptoms ::  Most evenings my back is so uncomfortable! My doctor confirmed what I thought and my belly is just getting bigger and that’s what’s causing it – so it’s totally normal. Emmaline enjoys sandwiching herself between my ribs and hips, so sitting still for a length of time becomes uncomfortable so I have to get up and move around.

Food Aversions ::  Nothing specific.

Food Cravings ::  Cereal, apple juice, tortilla chips.

Sleep :: I’ve actually slept through the night a couple times (praise God!!!). But it’s still very common for me to get up once to go to the bathroom.

Looking Forward To :: Getting my baby shower invites out.

Baby Purchases :: A few girly Newborn onesies.

Fun Stories ::  At my 30 week doctor’s appointment, the doctor was using the fetal doppler to listen to Emmaline’s heartbeat and while we were listening to the heartbeat (which was in the 140’s), she kicked it. “Oh and we got a little kick too!” my doctor said with a smile! 😊