easter 2020

Covid-Easter was one of my favorites. Normally, Easter Sunday is spent separate – Aaron serving multiple services at our church while I serve by caring for our family at home. But because church is strictly online during this season, we were able to spend our first Easter with kids at home together! We started the […]

happy valentineā€™s day 2020

Happy Valentineā€™s Day everybody! Whether you have a special someone or youā€™re avoiding social media and every restaurant in town, I hope you see this holiday as a friendly reminder to love those closest to you all year long. But ultimately, I hope you embrace the fierce, unwavering love of the Father. His love for […]

valentine gift ideas for your kidā€™s friends + classmates (with 4 free printable valentines)

I remember making valentine cards for everyone in my class. I also remember attaching a piece of candy to it too. As a parent, Iā€™m really not interested in spending money on candy. Iā€™d much rather give our little friends something unique, fun and creative. Thatā€™s why I think these Usborne goodies are worth investing […]