my word for 2019

Have you ever had a word or saying that set the tone for that year?

Some people do this with great success, and others don’t take the time to sit down and ponder a word to speak over the upcoming year.

I was not one of these people, until this year. Between the week of Christmas and New Year, I decided I wanted to pursue a word that would be a focus in 2019.

As a family, we accepted the word “JOY” that was spoken over us (and the whole church) by our senior pastor.


But I still felt like I personally needed a word, so I asked God to set a word, a Bible verse or a phrase on my heart that I could not shake.

Over the week, I had a few words come to my mind, but none that stuck out like the word “INTENTIONAL.”

intentional (1)

After some exploring, I decided this was from the Lord and since the New Year began, it has since been confirmed by close friends that this is a great word for me.

So in 2019, the disciplines I set for myself, the relationships I cultivate, the rhythms in our family, the way I spend my time, the way I pursue God and the way I run my business are all going to be full of intentionality. 

I also realized that God is a God full of intentionality. Everything He has done and continues to do is full of purpose and meaning and I am so expectant to seek this side of His personality in 2019. In my Bible reading, the way I see the circumstances in my life, etc. It is all very intentional.

Do you have a word, a Bible verse, or a phrase for this year?

I’d love to hear it!