thankful thursday #33

Friends – this week was so rich with blessings. Our family has had a really rough month and we really needed a win. But God has been so sweet and always showed me something I could be thankful for (as I’m sure you’ve noticed in the past “Thankful Thursday” posts). Here are some of the not so little things I’m thankful for this week!


Thankful Thursday #33


  • Men’s Night (& therefore Girl’s Night 😉 )

Our church had their annual Men’s Night, so us girls had our own little Girl’s Night!



We got Chick-Fil-A for dinner and watched the first half of the Rugrats movie. Once Rylie’s attention span for a movie had maxed out, we played. Rylie loved playing “Emmaline chase” – where I held Emmaline low and chased Rylie around. Rylie laughed a ton and Emmaline had big smiles 😀


  • Praying with Rylie


As early as we could, Aaron and I intentionally taught Rylie how to fold her hands to pray. She used to clap and yell “YAYYYYYYYYY!!!!!” as loud as she could when we said, “amen!” but as she’s gotten older, she now folds her hands on her own and will say “meh-meh” followed by the clap + “yayyyy!!!”

Lately, Rylie will pray on her own prompting – randomly folding her hands and mumbling toddler-babble and then saying “meh-meh!” Aaron and I love this interruption and always tell her that she can pray anytime she wants to because Jesus always wants to talk. Let me tell you what, it is such a sweet reminder even for myself.

So at Saturday 21 Days of Prayer, I specifically knelt down with her and told her we were going to pray for her friends. She folded her hands and I started listing out each of her little friends by name and praying over them and their future friendship. Aaron took this picture and I pretty much can’t stop looking at it – it’s just too sweet! <3


  • Sweet Little Friends


Rylie and Sarah have become such sweet little friends! They were both at prayer this last Saturday morning and afterwards they were running around the church together, chatting and hugging each other. Sarah’s parents said Sarah talks about Rylie often, and they think she named a stuffed animal after her haha 😛

Us adults are so excited and expectant for their little friendship.


  • Aaron’s Leadership


Aaron is such an amazing leader in our household, but he also is a phenomenal leader at church. A JV student came into Aaron’s classroom to help and I watched as Aaron expressed interest in this JVer’s story, showed him around the classroom and explained the flow of the class. I’m constantly reminded how honored I am to have a front row seat to Aaron and his crazy good leadership skills!


  • Blessing Families with Books


I connected with a mama influencer on Instagram last week and offered to send her a book for her daughters in exchange for a couple posts on her account (she has over 10,000 followers). She gladly accepted my offer and said she has 3 daughters so I decided to surprise her and send her 2 books instead of just the 1 we had talked about. When I received the photos she had taken of her kiddos with the books, she told me how much her girls loved the “That’s Not My Mermaid” (the one I decided to send last minute) and they were actually fighting over who got to read it. 😝 Not that I’m promoting arguing, but I couldn’t help but smile that it was such a big hit!

I feel like I’m in a sowing season with my business, and I love that one of the ways I get to sow is by blessing strangers with books for their kids! ❤




What are you thankful for this week?