how i got 18 usborne books for my family absolutely free

A few months ago, I hosted a Build-a-Library online baby shower for Emmaline and I was blessed with books from friends and family. With our sweet girl arriving a couple weeks later, I didn’t have time to cash in my Hostess Rewards. So last week I took a look and realized I could get over $100 worth of books for FREE! I decided to cash this in and I ended up getting over $150 worth of books for absolutely free!

The books finally arrived on my doorstep yesterday (8.6.18) and I was so giddy as I picked up the boxes and took them inside.


I ended up with 18 books:


Rylie loved going through the box and kept saying “Boosh! Boosh!!!” (her current word for “book”) as she pulled them out and opened each one up to see what was inside. I loved seeing how excited she was over her new books! 😀


I got all these books for only $24 (tax + shipping). Seriously!?

**insert happy dance!**



Want to get your own free book haul like this?

It’s super easy – just host a party! It’s 100% free and all online so you don’t have to stress about cleaning your house. All you do is invite your friends and excite them about the party – I do the rest! 🙂 Depending on how much they spend at the party, you’ll get a certain amount of money to go on a free book shopping spree! Whoop whoop! 😀 😀 😀

Reach out to me today to get your party on the books (pun intended 😉 hahaha)



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