two things you need to know if you’re a working mom

On Wednesday (8.1.18), I passed my 1 year anniversary of being a working mom. When I entered into this new season, I was determined but so terrified at the same time. After being offered 4 jobs (a total God thing by the way!) I accepted my current job on a Monday, and that Thursday I found out I was pregnant with baby #2 and my start date was Tuesday. This wasn’t my plan at all, but God was so sweet to me and I only requested to leave work early one time during that first trimester due to not feeling well. My pregnancy was smooth and my employers were so supportive and excited from the beginning. They were anxious for my return from maternity leave because they missed me & my personality (but I’m sure they missed the work I did as well 😝).


Oh, and let’s not forget that because of this job, Aaron & I were able to purchase our first home!


If I’m going to postpone my dream of being a stay at home mom, God has definitely blessed me with a good job!


I feel like there are a lot of things I could say about being a working mom, but let me share with you two that I’ve learned that I wanted to share with you –


  • You Need People in Your Life Who Get It

The first few months of working were hard for me. Yes, I was in my first trimester and even though I wasn’t sick, I was constantly exhausted. But I had also established relationships with other stay at home moms and my return to work was abrupt so I got plenty of invites to mid-week playdates that I was no longer able to attend, and I was bummed. I quickly found myself getting jealous and missing my old lifestyle, but thankfully, I snapped out of this funk quickly because I realized that this was what God was calling me to in this season.

Once I came back to work after Emmaline was born, I was nervous that I would be a little more homesick then I was before. But God had given me such a peace that I was doing the right thing by working that the transition back into office life wasn’t as rough as I had anticipated.

One day, I was listening to a Mom Podcast I had recently found and the title was “Corporate Working Moms” and the interviewee firmly stated that what got her through working was her working mama friends. She strongly encouraged the listeners to find a group of women who were in this season and connect with them. “If you can’t find a group, start one!” I was drawn to the idea of having this community, but I didn’t know one that already existed, so I thought about starting one, but I started coming up with excuses as to why I wasn’t the right girl to lead a group like that and pushed the thought aside. Throughout the next couple days, God kept putting things in front of me reminding me about my desire for a group, but I kept pushing it aside until one day I felt such a press on my heart I knew it was the Holy Spirit and I decided to be obedient and start the group.

All that to say, I started a Working Mamas small group and it has been such a blessing in my life! It is so encouraging to have a group of ladies who understand my season.


  • It’s Not Easy… & That’s Okay

One thing I learned real quick about being a working mom is that it is not easy. Physically or emotionally. I’m not one to shy away from a challenge, and I’m determined to handle my challenges with grace and poise (ha! Yeah right! 😝), and this is why I am so thankful for my small group because there are days where it is just so overwhelming juggling work life and mom life. Mom guilt is real guys, and the enemy loves to amplify that in a working mom’s thoughts. Yes, there have been days where I have cried in the bathroom at work. There’s a lot of prayer. A lot of looking at the clock counting down the hours until you get to be with your little(s) again. A lot of lingering glances at the photos in the picture frames on your desk. A lot of longer hugs at bedtimes. And a lot of asking yourself if the money is worth it and reminding yourself why you’re even doing this.

Being a working mom has brought me closer to the Lord in a way I wouldn’t otherwise have come to. I pray differently. I interact with my kids differently. Our schedule is more intentional because I value my time differently. God has extended a lot of grace to me and I cannot tell you how many times on the way to work I have prayed with heavy eyelids, “God, please give me supernatural energy today because without it, I probably won’t make it.”


I would like to think I handle being a working mom well, but please hear me when I say I’m not perfect at it.


So if you’re a working mama, know you are not alone. Know that even that mom who looks like she has a flawless system has had rough days too. Find peace knowing that the God of the universe holds your heart in His hands and He is caring for your children when you are not there. Know that He is so proud of you and the hard work you are doing to provide for your family. Even though your kids may not understand, they are thankful.


You are working beautifully Mama. I’m proud of you! But more importantly, God is proud of you!