thankful thursday #7

How has your week been? Mine has been good but it feels like it’s been “go-go-go” even though our calendar doesn’t reflect that. I’m at the point in pregnancy too where I get physically tired quickly and I don’t like to hurry, which just requires planning.


But like every week, there are multiple things to be thankful for, and I’m excited to share the things that stood out to me this week with you.


Thankful Thursday


I dedicated a whole post to how wonderful this last weekend was – even though it didn’t involve sleeping in. It is so important to have time set aside to rest and recharge for the week. Saturdays are definitely those days for our family.

Are you guys tired of hearing about this recipe yet? Hahaha I think I’ve linked it to every post I’ve written this week 😝 But I’m intentionally including it into this post because I am thankful that I found this recipe! It’s been my breakfast every morning this week and it’s such a great comfort food for me.

  • Prize from Usborne


One thing that is cool about Usborne is that they have incentives and prizes you can earn. I’m honestly not super motivated by the incentives they give (I’m more motivated by my personal goals), but I got over $1,000 in sales in the month of November and I finally got my prize – a set of earrings. It’s really the thought that I’m making headway in this business that makes me even more excited / motivated!

  • Galentine’s Day


What is “Galentine’s Day?” It’s ladies celebrating ladies the day before Valentine’s Day. This year (which is the first year I’ve actually celebrated this “holiday”) I had breakfast with my dear friend, Kendyl, and then a potluck lunch with the ladies at work. It was a fun day celebrating the ladies of the office and everyone had a great time and had nothing but good things to say during and after the little celebration! I’m thankful that I have the creative freedom in my job to put something like a potluck together to make the women in my office feel valued.

  • Chocolate Covered Strawberries


Aaron and I don’t celebrate Valentine’s Day because we believe couples should celebrate each other all year long and not just settle for doing something big once a year (we’re not against other couples celebrating it, we just choose to not make it a big deal). But since we didn’t have anything on the calendar that night and it had been a busy few days so we hadn’t really gotten quality time together, we decided to have a little in-home date night after Rylie went to bed. That meant we made chocolate covered strawberries (a treat we haven’t had in years) and watched a romantic comedy – “50 First Dates!”

Guys, those homemade chocolate covered strawberries were SO good!!! It’s a good thing we didn’t make more because I definitely would have eaten them and that would have been too much haha! 😉




How did you and your significant other spend Valentine’s Day?

What are you thankful for this week?